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De Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação

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(Criou página com '===Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management=== ---- '''Andréia Ferreira da Silva''' Title: Doctor of Education Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) State ...')
Linha 16: Linha 16:
Research areas: Society, state and educational policy. Management and organization of Brazilian education. Policies of training of teachers and other educational professionals. Policies of external evaluation of education and their consequences for the organization of schools, educational systems and for teaching activities.
Research areas: Society, state and educational policy. Management and organization of Brazilian education. Policies of training of teachers and other educational professionals. Policies of external evaluation of education and their consequences for the organization of schools, educational systems and for teaching activities.
'''Antonio Lisboa Leitao de Souza'''
Title: Doctor in Education (School of Education, University of São Paulo – Mar.2002)
Antonio Lisboa Leitao de Souza
Title: Doctor in Education (School of Education, University of São Paulo –
Email: lisboaleitao@gmail.com.br
Email: lisboaleitao@gmail.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research Areas: directs studies and research in education, philosophy, and  
politics, with emphasis on the following topics: Government and Education Policy;  
Research Areas: directs studies and research in education, philosophy, and politics, with emphasis on the following topics: Government and Education Policy; Labour and Teacher Education; Management and Evaluation of Education; Right to Education; Education, Resistance and Alternatives; Education and the Good Life; Indigenous and Quilombola Education; History of School Institutions.
Labour and Teacher Education; Management and Evaluation of Education; Right  
to Education; Education, Resistance and Alternatives; Education and the Good  
Life; Indigenous and Quilombola Education; History of School Institutions.
Aparecida Carneiro Pires
'''Aparecida Carneiro Pires'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2020) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  
Post-Doctorate (2020) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  
Linha 36: Linha 40:
educational reforms, educational policy and management, and teacher  
educational reforms, educational policy and management, and teacher  
Carlos Augusto de Medeiros
Carlos Augusto de Medeiros
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 43: Linha 50:
public policy, participation and social policy, and militarization of public schools  
public policy, participation and social policy, and militarization of public schools  
of basic education in Brazil.
of basic education in Brazil.
Denise Xavier Torres
Denise Xavier Torres
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 54: Linha 64:
educational assessment with emphasis on learning assessment. Postcolonial  
educational assessment with emphasis on learning assessment. Postcolonial  
studies provide the theoretical foundation.
studies provide the theoretical foundation.
Joedson Brito dos Santos
Joedson Brito dos Santos
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 61: Linha 74:
education funding, basic education evaluation, early childhood education policy,  
education funding, basic education evaluation, early childhood education policy,  
and conditions for the provision of early childhood education.
and conditions for the provision of early childhood education.
Luciana Leandro da Silva
Luciana Leandro da Silva
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 69: Linha 85:
funding, internationalization and transnationalization in education, comparative  
funding, internationalization and transnationalization in education, comparative  
education, and higher education pedagogy.
education, and higher education pedagogy.
Maria do Socorro Silva
Maria do Socorro Silva
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 77: Linha 96:
and educational management; history, management, and pedagogical practices  
and educational management; history, management, and pedagogical practices  
in rural education.
in rural education.
Melania Mendonca Rodrigues
Melania Mendonca Rodrigues
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 84: Linha 106:
Brazilian education, policies for basic education in contemporary Brazil, history  
Brazilian education, policies for basic education in contemporary Brazil, history  
of public school in Brazil; training and teaching occupations.
of public school in Brazil; training and teaching occupations.
Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima
Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 93: Linha 118:
on the topics: Teacher training; Training of professionals for deaf education;  
on the topics: Teacher training; Training of professionals for deaf education;  
Public policy of inclusion; History of education and Brazilian public school.
Public policy of inclusion; History of education and Brazilian public school.
Simone Vieira Batista
Simone Vieira Batista
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Linha 101: Linha 129:
teachers and school educational practices in schools in Campo do Brejo  
teachers and school educational practices in schools in Campo do Brejo  
Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity
André Augusto Diniz Lira
===Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity===
'''André Augusto Diniz Lira'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2017) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN,  
Post-Doctorate (2017) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brazil.
Post-Doctorate (2018-2019) Carlos Chagas Foundation, FCC,  
Brazil. Email: andreaugustoufcg@gmail.com
Post-Doctorate (2018-2019) Carlos Chagas Foundation, FCC, Brazil.  
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research Areas: works with an emphasis on social and professional identities in  
Email: andreaugustoufcg@gmail.com
education; theory of social representations and education; (auto)biographical  
research in education; bibliographical research on educational concepts.  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4772218Y0 '''Access''']
University Education.
Dalila Castelliano de Vasconcelos
Research Areas: works with an emphasis on social and professional identities in education; theory of social representations and education; (auto)biographical research in education; bibliographical research on educational concepts. University Education.
'''Dalila Castelliano de Vasconcelos'''
Title: PhD in Social Psychology
Title: PhD in Social Psychology
Email: dalila_bal@hotmail.com
Email: dalila_bal@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: works mainly with educational psychology, human development  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/0108130414374624 '''Access''']
and gender; neuroscience and early childhood education; gender, racism, early  
childhood and early childhood education;
Research areas: works mainly with educational psychology, human development and gender; neuroscience and early childhood education; gender, racism, early childhood and early childhood education;
Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano
'''Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: dorivaldo.salustiano@gmail.com
Email: dorivaldo.salustiano@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Disabilities, schooling, and human development; literacy  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4797516U3 '''Access''']
acquisition and development of intellectually disabled people; diversity,  
difference, and (in)equality in schooling; social-historical psychology and activity  
Research areas: Disabilities, schooling, and human development; literacy acquisition and development of intellectually disabled people; diversity, difference, and (in)equality in schooling; social-historical psychology and activity theory in early childhood education and the early years of elementary school.
theory in early childhood education and the early years of elementary school.
Fabiana Ramos
'''Fabiana Ramos'''
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Email: fabiramos.ufcg@gmail.com
Email: fabiramos.ufcg@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research Areas: Portuguese language teaching and learning in primary  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4700009J6 '''Access''']
education; literacy practices and teacher training; children's literature and reading  
education; reading practices and construction of teachers' professional identity in  
Research Areas: Portuguese language teaching and learning in primary education; literacy practices and teacher training; children's literature and reading education; reading practices and construction of teachers' professional identity in initial education;
initial education;
Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal
'''Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal'''
Title: Doctor in Sociology
Title: Doctor in Sociology
Email: lealfernanda@uol.com.br
Email: lealfernanda@uol.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Rural education; public policies for the provision of early  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4799896P4 '''Access''']
childhood education and multigrade classes; and practices and processes of  
schooling of peasant populations; preparation and management of pedagogical  
Research areas: Rural education; public policies for the provision of early childhood education and multigrade classes; and practices and processes of schooling of peasant populations; preparation and management of pedagogical proposals.
Katia Patricio Benevides Campos
'''Katia Patricio Benevides Campos'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: katiapbcampos@hotmail.com
Email: katiapbcampos@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: practices of childhood institutionalization ; curricula and  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4750992Y0 '''Access''']
pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education: interactions, games,  
languages, cultural experiences, space and time; school forms and social  
Research areas: practices of childhood institutionalization ; curricula and pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education: interactions, games, languages, cultural experiences, space and time; school forms and social production of difference in inequality; learning and development of children with intellectual disabilities; Early Childhood Education in Cariri Paraibano.
production of difference in inequality; learning and development of children with  
intellectual disabilities; Early Childhood Education in Cariri Paraibano.
Lucienio de Macedo Teixeira
'''Lucienio de Macedo Teixeira'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
E-mail: lucienio.teixeira@ufcg.edu.br
E-mail: lucienio.teixeira@ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Digital technologies and education; esthetics in arts education;  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4734556D8 '''Access''']
esthetics, art, and politics; art and higher education; sound, noise, and music in  
early childhood education; artistic languages in early childhood education.
Research areas: Digital technologies and education; esthetics in arts education; esthetics, art, and politics; art and higher education; sound, noise, and music in early childhood education; artistic languages in early childhood education.
Roziane Marinho Ribeiro
'''Roziane Marinho Ribeiro'''
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Email: rozianem@hotmail.com
Email: rozianem@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Language and pedagogical practices; literacy and teacher  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4797516Z5 '''Access''']
education; literacy instruction practices in schools; literacy and literacy  
processes; linguistic content in textbooks; text genres and literacy practices;  
Research areas: Language and pedagogical practices; literacy and teacher education; literacy instruction practices in schools; literacy and literacy processes; linguistic content in textbooks; text genres and literacy practices; teaching orality/orality.
teaching orality/orality.
Silvia Roberta da Mota Rocha
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: silviarobertadamotarocha@gmail.com
'''Maria das Graças Oliveira'''
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Education, literacy and literacy processes; language acquisition
of persons in a situation of setbacks, social and school exclusion and in a
situation of mental disability.
Maria das Graças Oliveira
Title: Doctor of Education
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2019 - 2020) Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil.  
Post-Doctorate (2019 - 2020) Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil.  
Email: mariaeduc2013@gmail.com
Email: mariaeduc2013@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: Access
Research areas: Early childhood education; relationship between the family and  
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/8460227523466784 '''Access''']
the public day care center; teaching and teaching conditions in early childhood  
education; pedagogical practices in early childhood education; internship in early  
Research areas: Early childhood education; relationship between the family and the public day care center; teaching and teaching conditions in early childhood education; pedagogical practices in early childhood education; internship in early childhood education.
childhood education.

Edição das 12h47min de 19 de dezembro de 2022

Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management

Andréia Ferreira da Silva

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil.

Email: silvaandreia@uol.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Society, state and educational policy. Management and organization of Brazilian education. Policies of training of teachers and other educational professionals. Policies of external evaluation of education and their consequences for the organization of schools, educational systems and for teaching activities.

Antonio Lisboa Leitao de Souza

Title: Doctor in Education (School of Education, University of São Paulo – Mar.2002)

Email: lisboaleitao@gmail.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: directs studies and research in education, philosophy, and politics, with emphasis on the following topics: Government and Education Policy; Labour and Teacher Education; Management and Evaluation of Education; Right to Education; Education, Resistance and Alternatives; Education and the Good Life; Indigenous and Quilombola Education; History of School Institutions.

Aparecida Carneiro Pires

Title: Doctor of Education Post-Doctorate (2020) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Email: cidaufcg2017@gmail.com Lattes Curriculum: Access Research areas: Higher Education, Elementary Education (children), History, Philosophy, Sociology, Body Culture, CAPES, commodification, evaluation, educational reforms, educational policy and management, and teacher education.

Carlos Augusto de Medeiros Title: Doctor of Education Email: camedeiros.bsb@gmail.com Lattes Curriculum: Access Research Areas: Works focused on educational policy, democratic management, public policy, participation and social policy, and militarization of public schools of basic education in Brazil.

Denise Xavier Torres Title: Doctor of Education Email: denise.xavier@professor.ufcg.edu.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research Areas: Works as a researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Rural Education, Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices - NUPEFORP, focusing on educational policies and pedagogical practices in dealing with the semi-arid region; field teacher training; teaching processes and teaching knowledge; social peasant movements, curricula, teaching-learning processes, educational assessment with emphasis on learning assessment. Postcolonial studies provide the theoretical foundation.

Joedson Brito dos Santos Title: Doctor of Education E-mail: joedson.santos@ufcg.edu.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research Areas: Works mainly on the following topics: Education policy, basic education funding, basic education evaluation, early childhood education policy, and conditions for the provision of early childhood education.

Luciana Leandro da Silva Title: Doctor of Education Email: luleandro@gmail.com Lattes Curriculum: Access Research Areas: works with emphasis on the following topics: Public policy, teacher education, assessment policy, curriculum policy, educational reform, funding, internationalization and transnationalization in education, comparative education, and higher education pedagogy.

Maria do Socorro Silva Title: Doctor of Education E-mail: sucorrosilva@ufcg.edu.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research Areas: Directs research related to out-of-school educational processes, rural social movements; teacher education policy; curriculum policy and educational management; history, management, and pedagogical practices in rural education.

Melania Mendonca Rodrigues Title: Doctor of Education Email: melania.r@uol.com.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research areas: focused on state and educational policies, history of education, Brazilian education, policies for basic education in contemporary Brazil, history of public school in Brazil; training and teaching occupations.

Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima Title: Doctor of Education Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) Federal University of São Carlos-Campus Sorocaba, UFSCAR-SO, Brazil. Email: niedjafl@yahoo.com.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research areas: Deaf education; educational policy and history with emphasis on the topics: Teacher training; Training of professionals for deaf education; Public policy of inclusion; History of education and Brazilian public school.

Simone Vieira Batista Title: Doctor of Education Email: simone.vieira@professor.ufcg.edu.br Lattes Curriculum: Access Research areas: History of education and historiography; education and rural schools; psychopedagogy. Education, resistance and alternatives; memoirs, teachers and school educational practices in schools in Campo do Brejo Paraibano.

Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity

André Augusto Diniz Lira

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (2017) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brazil.

Post-Doctorate (2018-2019) Carlos Chagas Foundation, FCC, Brazil.

Email: andreaugustoufcg@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: works with an emphasis on social and professional identities in education; theory of social representations and education; (auto)biographical research in education; bibliographical research on educational concepts. University Education.

Dalila Castelliano de Vasconcelos

Title: PhD in Social Psychology

Email: dalila_bal@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: works mainly with educational psychology, human development and gender; neuroscience and early childhood education; gender, racism, early childhood and early childhood education;

Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: dorivaldo.salustiano@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Disabilities, schooling, and human development; literacy acquisition and development of intellectually disabled people; diversity, difference, and (in)equality in schooling; social-historical psychology and activity theory in early childhood education and the early years of elementary school.

Fabiana Ramos

Title: Doctor of Linguistics

Email: fabiramos.ufcg@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Portuguese language teaching and learning in primary education; literacy practices and teacher training; children's literature and reading education; reading practices and construction of teachers' professional identity in initial education;

Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal

Title: Doctor in Sociology

Email: lealfernanda@uol.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Rural education; public policies for the provision of early childhood education and multigrade classes; and practices and processes of schooling of peasant populations; preparation and management of pedagogical proposals.

Katia Patricio Benevides Campos

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: katiapbcampos@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: practices of childhood institutionalization ; curricula and pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education: interactions, games, languages, cultural experiences, space and time; school forms and social production of difference in inequality; learning and development of children with intellectual disabilities; Early Childhood Education in Cariri Paraibano.

Lucienio de Macedo Teixeira

Title: Doctor of Education

E-mail: lucienio.teixeira@ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Digital technologies and education; esthetics in arts education; esthetics, art, and politics; art and higher education; sound, noise, and music in early childhood education; artistic languages in early childhood education.

Roziane Marinho Ribeiro

Title: Doctor of Linguistics

Email: rozianem@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Language and pedagogical practices; literacy and teacher education; literacy instruction practices in schools; literacy and literacy processes; linguistic content in textbooks; text genres and literacy practices; teaching orality/orality.

Maria das Graças Oliveira

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (2019 - 2020) Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil.

Email: mariaeduc2013@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Early childhood education; relationship between the family and the public day care center; teaching and teaching conditions in early childhood education; pedagogical practices in early childhood education; internship in early childhood education.