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Processos Seletivos - Pós-Doc
Canal ouvidoria

Lines of Research

De Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação

Edição feita às 21h02min de 18 de dezembro de 2022 por Mestrado educ (disc | contribs)

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Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management

It includes studies and research related to the social constitution of the school, history, educational policy and management, and teacher education, taking into account the relations between the state and society in the processes of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational policies and their impact on the management and organization of teaching, schools, levels and modalities of provision and teaching activities.

Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity

This line includes studies and research on educational practices, socioeconomic, cultural, ethno-racial, generational, and gender differences and inequities at the national and regional levels, in school and out-of-school contexts. It addresses studies of practices, representations, and social identities; linguistic and literary practices; and new technologies in education.